Welcome To Circle Centre for the Arts

We are an organization that promotes fellowship among artists, provides an outlet for artistic talent, sponsors programs of both local and out-of-town artists, and fosters an interest in art within the Greater Wyoming Valley and its environs.

The Wyoming Valley Art League at the Circle Centre for the Arts is a non-profit 501(c)(3) community wide arts organization committed to promoting the arts in the Wyoming Valley region. The WVAL was formed in order to create a space for artists to explore, create, and exchange ideas as well as foster community engagement
through the arts.

Experience our events

Exhibitions & Events

We offer a wide variety of Events and Exhibitions throughout the year.

Life Drawing 
Classes & Workshops
Fine Taste Fine Art
Lecture & Film Series
Sunday @ the Circle
Poetry Readings
Artist Talks 
Music @ the Circle
Third Friday
Wyoming Valley Art League’s Members Exhibit 
Juried Members Exhibits (Fall & Spring)
Special Guest Exhibits in the Sandra Dyczewski Maffei Gallery

Life Drawing
Classes & Workshops
Fine Taste Fine Art
Third Friday
Members Exhibits
Guest Artists
What’s Happening


Celebrate the Arts

Arts are integral to the quality of life in our region. The arts create positive impacts in our communities by bringing opportunities for engagement, education and enrichment. Our focus is to bring this awareness to our members and the community at large. Our success is in part due to our members who help make this possible!

Sandra Dyczewski Maffei Gallery

Our first floor gallery is dedicated to highlighting professional guest artists from our region and beyond. Exhibits feature solo and group exhibitions that help serve as a teaching tool to our member artists who aspire to become professional practicing artists. These exhibits are free and open to the public. Openings for these receptions are part of our Third Friday events.

Members Gallery

Our second floor gallery is our members gallery which hosts all member exhibits. Each month (except juried exhibits in fall and spring) members may submit work to exhibit in a group show format for all of our Third Friday receptions. The members gallery is also used for performances and can be rented as an event space for groups or other outside organizations.

What we provide to the community

The WVAL provides an opportunity for cultural enrichment and education through a
variety of exhibitions, special events, classes, workshops and guest artist lectures at
the Circle Centre for the Arts. We engage in community partnerships with
other non-profits and help find ways to bring the arts to all of our communities. 

Membership Benefits

Membership is available for both exhibiting and non-exhibiting participants. Membership runs from January – December.

We are a volunteer organization that appreciates help from all our members. If you’d like to lend support or have an interest in serving on the board, please let us know!

Benefits Include:

  • 2 Juried Shows
  • 10% discount at Marquis Art & Frame 
  • Discounted fees for classes and workshops
  • Designated printmaking studio
  • Classroom space for work in all mediums
  • Library of art books available for members
  • Members Tent during Fine Art Fiesta
  • Invitation to exhibit in the Member’s Gallery for 8 months out of the year 

Find Your Place

We offer several different membership categories from:

*one vote per category in elections

Place Holder

Place holder text.


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Modern & Art

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tum vehctum. Aenea justo
mauris, ullamcorper.


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mauris, ullamcorper.


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Jan 25, 2023– Feb 15, 2023

Apr 10, 2023 – May 05, 2023

Museum Events

Upcoming Events

Carnival In Big Record
of Success

Everything about our organization in numerical counter view.


Organized Exhibitions


Unique Objects


Favorite Visitors


Tickets Sold

Have A Question?

Reach Out


130 Rear South Franklin Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701




Tuesday – Friday: 12 PM-5 PM

(Third Friday: 5 PM-8 PM)

Or by Appointment

